Friday 26 November 2010

Thriller Conventions

Thriller conventions consist of:
Dangerous weapons.
A deranged person/being.
Creepy locations.
Most of all, death and/or disfigurement.

The Meaning of the term "Thriller"

The term "Thriller" means an exciting, adrenaline filled film, not to be confused with an "Action" or "Horror" film, which a Thriller is a mix of. A Thriller will leave you on the edge of your seat, but it is the easiest genre of film to make.

A List of Famous Thrillers

The Shining
Donnie Darko
The Butterfly Effect
The "Bourne" Series

Group Members

Jay Pratley
Adam Hemingway
Callum Newell

Film Feedback

Preliminary Task

Preliminary task done for AS media work.